I was born in California and then spent most of my childhood in third world countries including Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, and Jamaica. In these countries, I experienced firsthand the consequences of failed economies and the dysfunctional political systems which created them. Corruption, nepotism and political cronyism were the norm. As a dependent of a US Foreign Service Officer, I observed the ethos of a devoted public servant who taught me that the right thing to do was not always the easiest thing to do. At a young age, I represented the US in foreign countries and would volunteer in various aspects to promote US interests.
After graduating from high school, I returned to the US and graduated from UC Davis in 1980. Soon after, my wife and I settled in Solano County to raise our daughter and son where five generations of my family have resided. Like previous generations before me, I maintain a small farm where I grow organic produce for my family and friends.
I spent 26 years working in Law Enforcement for the State of California where I passionately served as a crime victim advocate battling the giant state bureaucracy that penalizes victims and rewards the criminals. Frustrated by the increased acceleration of government inefficiency, waste, and growth from a political bubble making California state government dysfunctional, I retired in 2006.
I ran for state office twice in the 1990's and for Congress in 2009 and 2010. Following these campaigns, I have been asked by hundreds of supporters to run again in CA District 3. California voters are disappointed in their government leaders and they should be. District 3 voters have a rare opportunity to make their voices heard and elect a representative who is a true public servant.
The financial future of our country is at risk if the Federal Government follows California's lead. Federal government has grown too big and expenditures greatly exceed tax revenues. This cannot continue. We need to reduce federal government by cutting the waste and mis-management. One of my first actions in Congress will be to sponsor legislation which aims to audit the Federal Reserve and make government transparent with our tax dollars. This is a priority among my many issues.
-Gary Clift